Jan 08, 2011 02:50
School starts on Monday. I'm not sure if I'm really ready for this. I guess we're going to find out. At least I have 2 semesters of working and going to school under my belt so it'll probably get easier. I like having a set schedule every week. It was rarely be more and if it is, it'll just be an expo shift or two.
I just made a to-do list. At least I don't have Biochem lab on Tuesday, so therefore I don't have classes at all. But I do have to meet with my Professor to go over what we will be doing in lab. Hopefully that won't take very long. I also don't have my Simmons class lab this upcoming week because Simmons' classes don't start for another week. So I don't have that class all week either. Therefore I'll be out early MWF which is super duper. Esp because I'm working Wednesday and Thursday.
Nothing to exciting going on. My roommates have mostly been gone for the 3 weeks that we hadoff. My birthday is in 10 days which is exciting. We have a lot of January birthdays at Unos so it might get a little crazy. But I have to limit my self.
Random, I'm gettting into John Mayer again and that pandora station. Makes me happy. Going to see Maureen and Stevie tomorrow too which also makes me happy. But then I have to work again tomorrow night. Lameee.
I should probably go to sleep.