
Jun 03, 2008 07:30

This is kind of an odd question, but I figure this community can help. My wife's grandmother is a lifelong Red Sox fan. For her 90th birthday party last year, the whole family dressed up in Red Sox gear and played a little baseball game at a local park. She took a picture with all of her great grandkids and sent it to the Sox. They called her recently and said they would be publishing the picture in their June magazine. How do I go about getting a copy of that? I've done a search for "Red Sox Magazine" online, and several things come up. I don't know if I'm looking for Diehard or if this is another publication altogether.

Thanks in advance for any help you can offer.

snbgizmo likes to use big words, Drank the Kool-Aid™, steaksammich likes to kick puppies, wends needs a hobby, 0bsessions is pleased, capheine is gay for mark teixeira, maggiesox has a pink ellsbury shirt, will trade sexual favors for magnets, frawst is scary so be nice to him, thread needs more tags

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