Cracks in God
I was walking on the beach when it came to me. I realized that I-- we, are cracks in God. Cracks is too substantial actually, filaments maybe, but still a billion times too strong, Ok maybe I still need twenty zeros. We are swimming like Kabir’s fish thirsty in the ocean, but again really, “fish” is too substantial. We are an atom of oxygen loosened from a water molecule rising from the bottom of the ocean, only the ocean if infinitely high, and solid, and infinitely dense. It is pointless of course to try to express that feeling, space, or state of being. It is just the meanderings of a mind trying to grasp the ungraspable.
The real point is that the picture inverted for me. I found myself inside God instead of god outside me. It is different from how I saw the fish swimming in the ocean even with water in every cell. It is more as if the fish itself does not exist the way an image in glass might only be visible due to a change of index of refraction. This was not the first time this thought had been with me, but this was more an experience than a thought. I suspect that if I was prone to mystical experiences I might have gone off to some kind of Samadhi.
From these same spaces, I have been thinking about mathematics. I have been turning over the idea that the small numbers are not substantial, i.e. they are only ideas, and they do not exist in the manifest world. I think this is a radical idea, though many may have had it before me. It opens the door for some radical math. If we abandon the idea that the numbers 0, 1, 2, … are self evident, and instead take the continuum and unity as self evident we start with a mathematics of infinities rather than finitudes. I don’t really know where to take this, except that if I worked as a mathematician I would apply the same formal reasoning that Cantor applied to counting numbers and try to see where it leads.
Both of these experiences came from a walk on the beach. The seminal question may have been, “What does it mean to accept this world as perfect?” The world is fully formed, past, future, and the other directions. Here words fail and are quite meaningless, I can try to track the particular path of my experience, but it will not translate to you; you are a completely different ripple in the substance of god. NTL, perhaps the testimony is worthwhile, or at least the ego wants to express it. The world is not separate from the universe and I found my thought taking in more than me, and this world, expanding to everything. Then suddenly I was on the inside, an insubstantial something that I identified, but just part of the whole. Here words fail, but I was no longer in an ordinary state of thinking. Everything was, and to some extent is still, clearly perfect just what it should be as part of the expression of the thing we, in the ripple, know must be, but which we seem unable to fully experience. It was like being in dense rock at the base of a mountain and seeing or feeling the flaws in the rock; the flaw was me, or the world or the universe, all the same like a fractal pattern. These patterns taking shape in the infinite void, but the void is not insubstantial.
I remembered being ten and being challenged by the idea circulating among us children that one could not think of nothing. I remember that when I tried to think of nothing rather than the feeling of void - emptiness - I experienced complete solidity infinite and in every direction. This was very much like that, expect with a mind that reads too much I also considered that the solidity is not dimensionally limited.
So the universe occurs in an infinite dimensional void. We are cracks in the void.
Cracks in God
Walking on the beach, considering
Considering I can’t remember what
The sand crunching under my feet,
Warm sun on face, arms, the comforting
Sound of waves. Fresh air filling
Nostrils with salt air.
Walking across the nesting ground
Smooth sand in patches several steps
Across, I walk over the mini dunes,
Ripples in the surface. Short green stalks
Hold the ground forming the dunes.
How can life be so tenacious?
I wonder at the prefect-ness of this
At how prefect life is, how can this be?
Accepting this as true, I look anew
Nothing I see is countable nothing is one or two,
But, all is one, there is no me, not bird
No plant, not grain of sand
Just transitions, translating transformations
The eyes see, the sun is warm, nostrils flair
Breathing in the sweet odor of
Life that fills the lungs
It enters here in what I call awake, because
I have not other words.
Awake is too small for that entry
It shows me the perfect whole
In that whole I am a ripple,
A flaw, a crack,
Holding form just as the
Mini-dunes I stride over.
How? How could this be?
Mind throws up possibilities,
The answer is always yes.
Yes, just because,
Yes, experience is wanted
Yes, God said
Yes, God asked.
Yes, desire
Yes, yes, yes.
Maybe, ... its just a crack.