I'm going to take a break from fandom for a little while, probably until I graduate and finish the HSC in November.
It's taking so much of my study time, even though I don't really even have a proper fandom that I'm in right now. I've been reading the X-Men: First Class fic that's been posted all over the place, and its been good enough to make me want to go see the movie. I've been paying attention to the MCR end of bandom. Watched the iTunes LiveStream, which was amaaazing. I spent 3 days mainlining White Collar fic, and it was surprisingly good. But aparrt from that, there's been no real fandom connection. The only things coming up that might make me want to get back on LJ in the next few months will be all the tv shows that I'm fannish over- Community, White Collar, Doctor Who, Misfits and Sherlock. No one seems to write Community fic, which is sad, but the source material is so awesome that it almost doesn't matter. (Or maybe they do but it's all Jeff/Annie or Jeff/Britta. Not that there's anything wrong with those ships, but... there are so many many more pairings available!) White Collar is quite okay but the cracks in the Peter+Neal make me sad. Plus there are certain fan people who hate on certain aspects and characters on the show, which dampens my squee. I might need to take the mature route and simply unfollow and distace myself. I'm sorry this post has been so glum. It's 1am and I'm angry at myself for nelecting my work and responsibilities at this crucial time. My self control is shot, seriously. My sister has already taken my tumblr password, but there's not real way to cut off lj considering the friendspage is publically accessible. Been looking into blocking tools, but can't seem to make them work. I'll just need to be serious about this and cut myself off. In two weeks I'll have broken the incessant need to check lj, although I'll miss it all. Not that I've, y'know, even posted in the past 2 months (or more?).
To end on a happier note, a link to a Times article that gives a positive and pretty damn accurate portrayal of fanfiction.
The Boy Who Lived Forever by Lev Grossman. It reminds me why I love fandom. The sense of community and creativity and belonging is everywhere, or at least the corners I hang around in. I'm so lucky to have found this place at such a young age, and it's really shaped me into what I see as a better person. I hope to be here for many years to come (decades even?) if it'll let me.