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I've only recently looked up Janelle Monae, after hearing about her all over the place. SHE IS SO INCREDIBLY TALENTED. I love her voice so much! And she can dance. It's like the moonwalk is just the basics to whatever she's doing, this magic sliding movement thing. The bit where she's gorgeous doesn't hurt either.
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Neal & Peter. This video is so upbeat! Is it just me, or does Peter make the same I Am Not Amused (And Stop Being So GD Charming) face at Neal the whole season? And then there's that little smile he slips every now and again. He is so fond of Neal! And a quote from
here: At the heart of this FBI, crime-solving show, though, is the relationship between Agent Peter Burke and his ex-con-turned-consultant Neal Caffrey. They obviously respect one another, but trust is another matter.
"To me, these two like each other. They've admitted they are friends and they care about each other more than just professionally," says Tim. "But I think if both of them completely trust each other, like a love story where two people haven't gotten together in a romantic comedy series, if they completely trust each other than those two will have gotten in bed and we don't quite want that yet. We want to hold that as long as we can."
ORLY, Tim DeKay?
But also, he makes a good point. I think The Big Bang Theory is one of the few shows I've watched that managed to survive its main characters getting together. Usually when the whole show hinges on all their sexual tension, there's not very much left to do once they're together. I think, in this case, it's mostly cause Leonard (and Sheldon) are so faily at relationships that there's still many things to make episodes about. *sigh* I like TBBT, but always forget to catch it when it's on tv. Sometimes Penny's airheaded-ness bugs me, but usually it's just endearing.