*tap tap* Is this thing on?

Oct 06, 2010 13:55

Hey, wow. Hi everybody!

I figure I started this as a rapier blog, so it makes some sense that I stopped blogging when I stopped playing. So, since I have officially STARTED RAPIER AGAIN!!! it makes sense to start blogging again.

Plus I miss you guys. Facebook is hardly the same, and I was off that for a year or so anyway.

ANYWAY, I'm doing great. Sold the townhouse, hid in the woods for a couple of years, learned to ride a horse, experimented with various healing modalities until I found one that worked, moved again to Gorgeous Elora, and now I'm happily ensconced with three cats, two dogs, and a Crazy Actress in a tiny house not a minute's walk from just about anything a growing boy could need.

Except money.

Coupla weeks ago I dragged out my swords and decided I was not completely hopeless, so I booked a room (about a minute's walk from my front door) and advertised rapier lessons. Space rapidly filled.

Last night I hit the rapier practice in Guelph and scraped my rusty ass across a couple of reasonably-experienced SCA types (that is, madmen with meat bucklers where they should have hands).

And I did not break!

And I woke up this morning, still not broken!

And if that is not blog-worthy, I don't know what is.

Ahh. Feels good to be back.

Stay tuned to this space.

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