1. Have you ever lived with one or more animals for which you've been at least partially responsible? If so, what kind of animal was it? If not, what are the animals (whom people know personally) that live in closest proximity to you, and how often do you interact with them, if at all?
Yes. Lots of cats, a couple of dogs and at least three rats (one of whom technically was responsible for me - Hoodie used to sit on the edge of my crib so she’d be ready to fetch someone when I cried). I was moderately allergic to them all.
Sometimes I feed
corbet’s fish. (No allergy symptoms yet.)
2. Are you now, or have you ever been, emotionally attached to any animal? If yes, what animal and why? (If several, feel free to write about as many as you want.) If no, do you feel you can relate to people who are attached to "their" animals, or is the whole inter-species emotion thing foreign to you?
Oh sure. I feel strong empathy with most animals I encounter. Cats will generally approach me in the street, dogs always go into dominance games. A baby badger sniffed my bare toes last year and a dock spider very affectionately tried to crawl into my eye this past summer (I plucked her off and chided her about boundaries).
And the crows always watch.
3. What is the role that the wild animal kingdom plays in your subjective worldview and daily life? How far removed are you from it, conceptually speaking?
I’ve been trying to get out into the wild as much as possible lately. It’s not all that hard around here. There are even some hidden wild-ish places within town limits, if you know where to look.
4. What animal in the Felidae family, whether wild or domestic, appeals to you the most? Why?
I’ve had a fondness for panthers since Natassha Kinsky turned into one that time. I just love cats in general though.
5. Is there an animal that holds mystical power for you? If so, and you can talk about it, what is it? If not, or you can't talk about it, what spiritually powerful animal from any culture appeals to you the most?
Is there one that doesn’t? Panther and monkey both feature in my personal pantheon. I leave the symbolism as an exercise for the reader.
And don’t get me started on Lycanthropus Castoridae Canadiensis...