Oct 01, 2007 09:24
This is what I'm going to do. I'm going to show you where started acting insensitive/immature.
I'm going to show you why you fall under the Delusional/self centered/prick category. What's really cool now is that your still going. Even after I said.
"FYI if your going to come at me at least do it with some fucking intelligence. I mean really at least think about what your posting. Look at it from out side the box, not from inside the magical world you live in where your the bright shining center. Maybe then you'll realize not every thing is directed at you. The dumbest thing you can do it call attention to how your upset about, your actions making you look like a prick."
So you didn't take my advice. I'm going to show you when you graduated with a BA in Dumb Bitch.
To help your train of thought I'm going chop this up a bit to better illustrate, that you post thing that really make you look delusional/self centered/immature/insensitive. Witch make you a prick. Added to the fact that you continue to make the same mistakes really does up grade you to the Dumb Bitch section.
Your wrote in your latest post
"I stated that I didn't think that I wanted to be her friend, that I only wanted to know if she was okay."
This is funny, because what you posted on your first post to her on LJ was.
"I'm not saying that I want to be your friend again, and I'm not even sure if I would want to be. All I wanted to know was if you were okay"
Now please read over those a couple times, what with you getting confused before. You see in your new version you say you "think" witch makes it slightly nicer. The under lining fact is that neither is nice both are rude. You had no right to post that on her LJ that was really mean spirited.
This completely shows that not only are you Insensitive/Immature, but also that you are delusional. As you are already changing what happened to what you think happened. Your even arguing that you were nice. Your fucking nuts.
You also quoted me for "I called other individuals that knew them to share the my joy.", and then you said, "There's me and Sarah that you know, so that's a gosh darn lie that you weren't talking about me."
See this is where your self centered. Not just in the way you completely blew writing a sentence. well I guess your sentence could work if, the only people I know are you and Sarah and I was laughing with her about how childish you were acting. In truth I know more then 2 people, I don't talk to Sarah, and I dont believe she would take to kindly to me calling her a stupid slut, and mental case. You see I could have been writing about Sarah, and how people burned her when she was reaching out for a friend. There were two other people besides you that felt a need to state that they didn't want to be her friend any more. Rather then show a little tact, and class. Either way you still acted the way you did witch makes you a prick. The shear fact you take every thing directed solely at you. Well that makes you self centered.
Now this is what you call a contradiction, you wrote;
"I am mature. Mature enough to drop all the crap that went on between Sarah and I and try and reach out to her."
Well we already know thats a lie, but you also wrote in the exact same post.
"So I'm saying fuck you for laughing at me, fuck you for calling me immature, fuck you for calling me a prick, and fuck you for saying that I am the bright shining center in my magical world."
Your as mature as a 4th grader with a 6th grade vocabulary. Collage graduate don't make me laugh. What was your Major again Dumb Bitch? I think that covers every thing next time dig up stupid.