Sep 20, 2007 12:46
The other day I was surfing the net, and read up on some Live Journals. I was busting up on some lame ass drama. I've spent the last two years walking away from drama. I do remember a time when I enjoyed being involved in everyones shit. I don't know maybe it was just a way to keep busy. However now I can't help but laugh at people acting like high schoolers. I would also like to state High school drama can't help but be laughed at. even more so when, the individuals are entering there mid 20s, have gone to collage, and feel like there very mature for them selfs. OK so i found it incredibly funny, to the point that I called other individuals that knew them to share the my joy. If any one was wondering we all laughed. At this point I feel like all I'm doing is bashing so I'm going to throw in some advice so I don't feel so negative.
You know what fuck that I feel like dropping the burn. Its live journal You chose to read it.
If your life is so lonely, and lets admit it, lonely enough to search for friends on a net work you haven't been on in years. Well I'm fucking sorry, but I'd put money down that your so socially inept, its your fault you have no current friends. However the fact that you reach out, shows want to change, for the better. So kudos for that. Life can be hard, there might not always be good explanations for every thing. If you really miss some thing like a friendship, if it really meant some thing to you. You'll stop complaining about all the mistakes. If all the great memories make you cry it means they out way all the bad ones. It's sad because stupidity is the reason you've lost some thing that meant so much. Oh and by the way if men keep "fucking you over" in your life don't blame all men your just making the exact same mistakes. such as acting like a stupid slut, and mental case.
This brings me on to the responders. Look if your still not over some thing and its been 3.5 years why the fuck respond. If you stated in your response that you don't think you want to be there friend. Punch your self in the face, thats how rude you were. If you are not over what happened 3.5 years ago, what makes you think your mature enough to post a comment rejecting them. The shear idea of it makes as much sense as posting a gay porn video on there page, and calling them a fagot. For the record what you did was even less polite. Beyond that if you have been trying to get in touch with them, now your really sad. Think about it you have been searching for months just to pick a fight, wow.
I would like to thank our contestants they managed to amuse me for a day. Until they wanted to blame some one else entirely for there own mistakes in life. For the record Alex is a personal friend of mine. For the duration of our friend ship I have never experienced him to act in an inappropriate manner. Currently he is married to a wonderful wife, and recently obtained his bachelors degree. Fuck any one who would speak against him, who the fuck are you. I recall the the one crying wolf too, she showed up at my house at around 2 in the morning with pot to smoke, 2 wine coolers later she's laying in my bed. Tripping out on me, over putting a move on her. wait wait wait let me point up and repeat Stupid Slut/mental case. Any loss of friend ship cannot be blamed on any one but the friends. Its there own ability to communicate with one another that makes them friends. If one person gives up on that its there own choice no one else.