Eddie and Katee in Baltimore Day 2!!

Jul 13, 2010 00:26

Made it home in one piece and the drive back was really good. Always drive on a Sunday, no traffic. Well Day 2 was more fun and great stories from Eddie. I could really listen to this guy talk forever. He actually came out on the phone with the woman who was running the charity from the day before. She was very, very touched by everyone's generosity and that they'd raised the extra $1000 to help another family. Very nice those sci-fi peeps.

Well he didn't have too much to say about BSG until Katee came out, but told a few stories about other projects he's done. So skim if you are not too interested in his other ramblings. He did admit that he is the worst mumbler. This made me laugh after those vids from Spain. I do have some from Baltimore, but they are a little shaky so I'll have to see which ones are the best to post.

He pretty much asked who was here from the day before, most people raised their hands and so he said he'd pick up from there. He went into a long story(shocking I know) of when Michael Mann got him to join Miami Vice. He had held out for creative control over his character which they wouldn't give him. He said he had to have that or he wouldn't do it. Well Mann called back many times, always upping the cash and Eddie kept saying no. His son was so upset because they needed the money at the time and he couldn't understand why his dad wouldn't go to work. Well eventually Mann called back again and of course Eddie got what he wanted and more money then he ever thought he'd get paid.

He also told a story of calling the wardrobe department to go down to Woolworths and get him a cheap suit, wash and hang it to dry. Don't iron it. Well they were having a bit of a fit saying "hadn't he seen the look of the show." He said yes he had, but this is the look he wanted. They could be Versace but he was Woolworths. LOL!!

Eddie said he never looked at Crockett and Tubbs when he had a scene with them. He re-enacted this on stage, so another butt shot. Heh heh!!

He also told a story about turning down "In the Line of Fire" with Clint Eastwood and Clint never talked to him again. He didn't want to play a Latino shooting the President 'cause it would give such a negative stereotype. Here he was doing his assasin shot.

Katee came out then in her Spain jersey and they took a few questions together.

Eddie talked about diabetes running in his family and that he doesn't have it, but he worries about it.

Someone asked about fight scenes. Eddie said he hardly had any, the guy was talking about the boxing scenes which Eddie said were nothing much. He said Katee was the one who really had good fights especially with Tricia. Katee is doing a film "Haunting In Georgia" and was trying to get Tricia cast as her sister. They seem to be very good friends and yesterday had said they were retracing the "Easy Rider" motorcycle route soon.

Katee talked about Kara's demise and ending up with Anders which she was happy with. She thinks that Kara ended up in the sun with Anders.She then I think called Eddie "dad", or at least it sounded this way. He reiteratd that he thought the ending was beautiful.

A few times they both said they thought RDM stuck to his original ideas for the show and didn't waver from them. They seemed to think yes RDM knew what he was doing all along. Hmmmm! I know some people disagree.

Katee also said that even though Lee was her soulmate, you don't always end up with them. Sometimes they are the person that teaches you your greatest lesson in life. Kara was in love with Anders and that's who she was supposed to be with.

Eddie talked about filming the first time Kara died and how brutal it was filming that. Also how the very expensive ship prop was smashed and the props guys had a fit  including Harvey, he was the money guy, because it was  worth $100,000. No one had told them it was on loan and was worth so much and he just lost it in the scene and broke up the ship. Eddie said yeah that was creative control.

Someone asked since he'd played such bad asses if he could play a fun dorky kind of guy. He said it was coming and it was called the "Green Hornet". He had a lot of fun doing that and really hadn't made a goofy kind of film like that.

Someone asked if they knew what kind of madhouse they were getting into taking on BSG. Both had no idea but Eddie hoped they would do something like "Blade Runner" where he felt sci-fi hadn't gone before.

Katee was up for NCIS and BSG at the same time. Her father was not too impressed with her becoming Starbuck and she joked he asked if it was too late to change her mind and go for NCIS.

Katee's mother was a teacher and showed "Stand and Deliver" to all her classes.

Someone asked Eddie about immigration. He does have an opinion on everything he said and that they're like aholes, everyone's got one. "So use it, use your ahole." He handled it well and didn't go off too badly on a tangent, but said good luck with immigration.

It ended with a few gifts to Eddie, one was a stuffed rabbit in a Star Trek suit which made him chuckle. Then Katee found a penny on the stage and thought this was a good omen for Spain,which was right. He pretty much wrapped his part up and was off to watch the game.

Well sorry that was long and rambling, but that was about it. It was very enjoyable and I saw Washington and had some nice Baltimore seafood.

Oh and Eddie signed a pic of mine from Spain, the one from the first night. Mary in the gray suit and both of them smiling. He messed up the quote though which is kind of funny. I will have to scan and post it. He did get a good laugh out of the frakstache one, which I showed him as well.

Talk to you all soon. Gotta get some sleep.

shore leave

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