Sep 18, 2013 06:30
I got my flu shot yesterday afternoon and, at the doctor's suggestion, also got a pneumonia shot. I woke up at around 3:30 this morning, feeling awful. I have chills, aches, nausea, severe headache, and the lymph gland under my arm is so swollen that I can't put my arm down to my side. It hurts like a motherfucker, and I feel like I've been dragged through a hedge backwards. That'll teach me to be all proactive and shit. *sighs*
I want nothing more than to take some advil and crawl back into bed, but I can't. My daughter has a 7:15 dentist appointment to get an impacted tooth extracted, and I can't change it because the tooth is hurting her. She'll be home from school for at least part of the day, but alpha son can help her with whatever she might need whilst I sleep this off.
This is not looking like a good day so far. : (