there's nothing here to run from

Oct 06, 2007 11:25

I don't even know anything anymore. I'm so tired all the time, and I don't have time for friends. I love my job though. Is that wrong? I love working 40 hours a week because I love everyone there. I was already promoted at 1.5 months, and now I'm trained on almost every station. I'm good at what I do. I enjoy what I do. I actually know what to do. People look to me for their questions. It's really strange and I like it. All the managers trust me with their keys if they need to run errands. Me. Leave me in charge of the store and all of the cashiers. It's really exciting.

The only problem is that I'm exhausted every. single. day.

I have so much to do today and I just couldn't get out of bed. I'm supposed to have brunch with Ruthie and now I'm not sure if I'll make it because I haven't started my laundry yet. I don't want to blow her off again though, so I'm trying to hurry. Not too much I can do to hurry a dryer though. :\    Mayyyybe I'll just swear to her that we can have ANY meal on Tuesday, because I have the day off... hmmm...

I feel like my intelligence is diminishing. I REALLY can't speak Spanish now. It's not just an insecurity at this point. I can't remember how to conjugate anything... It's a problem. And German? FORGET IT.

Ugh whatever. I need to finish my laundry and run errands for my dad (yay dad's home) and take my brother to get a movie for his film as art class.

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