(no subject)

Sep 25, 2007 00:54

So for anyone who doesn't know already, and cares, I dropped out of school for this semester. I've been having a lot of panic attacks and just general depression. So I decided to withdraw and work full-time instead. It's going relatively well. I got promoted to associate trainer at Panera, so I'll be getting a raise soon. I'm going back to school in the winter so I can stay on target for graduation.

Things have slowed down disaster-wise and I'm moving along pretty smoothly now. Still a few minor bumps but at this point I don't give a crap.

I've been having a lot of dreams about marriage, and it's weirding me out. And I don't know what I want to do when I graduate anymore. I know I won't be fluent enough to land a job as an interpreter, so I just feel like giving up again. Which is probably just the depression talking, but realistically I probably won't get hired.

I need to go to sleep; I'm tired and my head hurts.
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