Mar 24, 2013 01:33
I should be asleep by now, but I can't make myself get out of the lazy chair. Today was shopping, errands, chopping veg for an appetizer plate for game night, and then the actual game night. C made us toasted cheese and home made chunky tomato soup for dinner. Soooo good! We Played Ticket to Ride, a few Chapters of the Wait Wait Don't Tell Me book, Anybody's Guess, and then finished the night with a very long round robin of Taboo. Lots of fun, lots of laughs. Dessert was cheesecake squares from Simma's. Really good. This is the bakery where I got my to-die-for King cake. I found something they call a "Black Bottomed cake" which is a chocolate cupcake, that has a wide streak of chocolate chip cheesecake laid in just before it's baked (I'm guessing) so the cupcake expands up on either side of the cheesecake. It makes a very pretty black-white-black top and it tastes fabulous! My new favorite dessert. =)
So today I am grateful for black-bottomed cakes. Friends who cook fantastic dinners, and long evenings with a lot of laughter.