Today I am so very, very happy that Gonzo is feeling the urge to write again. I am very fortunate to have several friends who write, and write very well. I think Gonzo and
MelodyWilde are both talented enough to be professionally published authors.
I am so happy that it is officially spring. I am so over winter! And yet tonight it's getting down into the lower teens again tonight. Boo!
Finally, I am happy as a clam for Bonnie's Diner for dinner tonight. Pancakes and omelets from scratch. Yummy!
Can you believe that the window washer fluid in my precious new RAV is frozen solid? I they must have put in watered down fluid, assuming it wouldn't go below 20º again this spring. Wrong!
Today at work, I was productive again (3 days in a row? Scary!) I think I'm finally getting things together in my brain, chemistry-wise. I think I'm on the right levels of vitamins, multi, D, and Omega-3s. If I get a good solid 7+ hours I am unbeatable at work!
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