Apr 27, 2008 00:12
Just a few things that ran through my mind after watching the latest episode of BSG...
It's behind the cut to avoid spoilers.
I don't dislike Laura Roslin's wig, but I do keep catching myself seeing icons, BSG pics, clips, fanvids and so on and thinking 'Wow, her hair really was beautiful in that...dang! To think we'll probably never get another scene with her pretty hair to make icons/fanvids/clips/pics from'.
I know I've already said it, but does anyone else think that she is going to go blind? MM seemed to have dilated pupils all the way through this episode. Maybe they wanted her to look spaced out? Maybe she's wearing contacts? I don't know, all I know is that it was very good acting on her part and her eyes do look glazed over at points, not like our usual Laura Roslin. I'm guessing contacts, or just totally amazing acting on MM's part which allows us to see the difficulty faced by Laura going through her treatment.
Anyone else think Laura was lying about her blood tests, the reason she gave Adama for being in the medical centre? Perhaps she doesn't want him to realise how bad things are/how quickly they are progressing? Perhaps her eyesight is failing and she was there having her eyes checked and she doesn't want him to know? Perhaps there is another reason. I'm surprised someone hasn't written a 'Laura is totally pregnant' post yet LOL! It never ceases to amaze me how many A/R fics are out there with Laura getting pregnant. I read them, they're usually pretty darn good, but it's unlikely considering her age/condition. Still, I'm surprised no one has suggested that she's getting checked out by Cottle because of that reason. Or even someone suggesting that perhaps she's in the medical centre because she's having it off with the Doc :) She lied to Bill because she doesn't want him knowing she's having an affair? (any Roslin/Cottle fans out there?) :) Who knows. I have my theories (I think it's the eyesight thing, that or she's a lot worse than Bill realises) and I think she was certainly lying about the blood tests. She doesn't want to hurt Bill any more than she has to.
Anyone else love how Laura commented on Lee to Bill 'He's Lee..." Almost like a mother reminding herself and her husband that their son is just 'who he is' and his faults were his own, annoying but just faults that made him who he was. :) Yeah, Lee annoys me sometimes and things get screwed up, but families can be screwed up and if any group of people in this show fit together as a family, it's Bill, Laura and Lee.
Love for Bill Adama somehow managed to increase during this episode. I didn't think I could love that character any more than I already did, but then he went and looked adorable and caring. Yeah, LOVE HIM!