Latest episode thoughts

Apr 26, 2008 21:52

Okay guys, I'm going to TRY hard to make this post clear...but right now I'm suffering from a surge of A/R energy so forgive me if this episode review is actually just one long 'OMG' fest :)

Okay, spoilers are hidden behind this cut for the latest episodes AND speculation regarding the future episodes.

Laura: The dying leader?

Okay, first things first. I have to say this. Anyone else think that they've figured out the twist they're going to give us with Laura Roslin? I said it before, but I dismissed the idea, now it's back and I'm more convinced than ever. Laura Roslin IS the dying leader but she will survive. HOW, I hear you ask? Well, this is my theory:

Pythia says the dying leader won't live to see Earth, Laura Roslin is going to go blind. I know, I know, it sounds rather random but after this latest episode, I really do believe Laura is going to go blind and she will therefore make it to Earth while still being the 'dying leader'. Look at that scene with Baltar, she has him notice her wig, then she has him look into her eyes. Why? Because the Diloxin treatment she's having to try and save her life is also taking her eyesight. This is her loophole, she can make it to Earth because she won't actually live to SEE it. She'll just live to be there. :)

I think the promo we've all seen where she's standing on a planet with her 'usual hair' looking up at the sky is actually her dreaming of what she should be seeing, but won't see because she's blind. I think that if they make it to Earth in this half of the season (which I've heard they do and I believe they will) then Laura will be blind and will experience Earth in her own way without actually seeing it.

This would rock my world because firstly, Laura would live to see get to Earth! Secondly, the theory I had about her going blind, the theory I came up with AGES ago, would be right :) I like being right. Plus, I like this twist, it would be cool.

The BIG twist

This is what I believe:

They will find Earth early on (in this half of the season in other words)
They will settle, everything seems fine, very much an end to the story.


Everything falls apart.
They will all return to fighting.
Some big ass war later, things somehow conclude. Perhaps they end up back in the 12 colonies, perhaps they 'wake up', perhaps they find peace, perhaps they all die?

Thoughts on the latest episode

Adama and Roslin, the first scene:


That first A/R scene wrenched out my heart, stamped on it a little then put it back where it belonged.

I felt so sad when was trying to tell him what she wanted for her own funeral. ::cries:: Beautifully angsty scene. Slayed me, the first time I watched it I actually went 'OH NO!!!' and wanted to hide.

She's entering the 'acceptance and planning' stage of her illness and I always feel, from experience in RL, that this is the most traumatic stage for people around a person who is ill. It's the point where you still have a tiny shred of hope, however misplaced, and you're stuck in limbo not sure exactly where things are going. I hate that, but I really appreciate how the show is tackling this issue. They certainly haven't hidden from it like the last time. The last time Laura Roslin was dying, it was interesting and well performed and well written but it lacked the gritty truth of real illness. It seemed like a character on screen illness, not something you would see in real life so much. This time, it really has struck home and I think they've worked very hard to make this as realistic and honest as possible

In a way I hate it because I've seen this in real life too many times already, I'd like to escape the horrible reality of people being terminally ill. On the other hand, I love this story line because there is still hope. I cling to that. Even if it's just a television show, it's a representation of how, even in the face of death, there is still hope that perhaps (by some miracle or new medical finding) it might all work out after all. That, or at least the character has a meaningful life and place in everyones hearts.


As a fan of Laura Roslin, I hate Gaius Baltar.

As a fan of the show, I find Gaius Baltar interesting and I rather enjoy his scenes.

I enjoyed the scene between him and Laura Roslin. It was still somehow a little bit steamy. I don't know how they do that, but it's almost as if she is fully aware that even after everything, he'd quite like to rip her clothes off, and she uses that against him.

I'm no longer hating the Baltar followers. I don't know what changed there but something has.

The Final Four out of Five

Wow. I totally knew I couldn't be the only one who thought Caprica Six and Ellen Tigh looked alike! Tigh thought so as well :)

Wow, is Tigh screwed up?!

I'm finding Tory more and more interesting, but I worry that perhaps there may be a chance that she will betray Laura Roslin in favour of Baltar in the near future. Perhaps she may even hand Laura over to the other Cylons? I believe she may have a hand in something along those lines.

Tyrol...meh. I'm sick of him. I can't help it, he bugs the crap out of me. He's all broody and whiney and I know he's meant to be because he just lost Cally and he's a Cylon and everything, but I had enough of broody and moody when Lee was like that.

Other characters

Lee. Oh come on Lee! I know you're doing the 'right thing' but dammit, I really really wish you could kick someones ass on behalf of Laura sometime. Just to make my Laura/Lee side happy once more and die in peace at the end of the season. I just don't want this show to end with Laura and Lee hating each other. I may be an A/R fan, but that doesn't mean I can't appreciate the complex relationships each of them has with other people.

Adama. I want to hug Adama! He's there, every time Laura needs him. That little walk from the medical lab to his quarters, with him carrying her bag, with them walking arm in arm as if they've been a couple all along, like they're married, with them getting to his quarters and it just looking and feeling so perfect and right :) ::sighs:: They belong together. Everyone can see it. I loved it, even though Tyrol hacks me off this season, when he pointed out to Adama about losing the person you love and several other suggestive comments that told me that Tyrol was hinting at the relationship between Adama and Roslin :) Hey, if the self obsessed Cylon can see it, everyone can :)

Zarek. Where is that guy? Final Cylon much? Perhaps. I think my list looks like this now, from most likely to least (not including the people I really don't believe will be the final Cylon):


Dualla. Where is she?

The Cylons. There weren't any real scenes with them this time :( I kind of missed that, but I did appreciate having extra time to my A/R ship and the rest of the fleet getting some screen time.

Other thoughts.

The book Adama brought to read to Laura.

I loved the awkward way Laura and he discussed the ending, how she could finish the book for him, and she realised that they had been talking about more than just the book ending.

He said he didn't know the end, he'd never read it, so either he lied or he was speaking from his own heart at the end of the episode when he read to her, saying to her what he wanted to say under the guise of reading it from the book? ::sighs:: My ship rocks!!!!!! I LOVE A/R!!!

Okay, I'm sure I have more thoughts on the episode but I have to go. I am SO tired.

Let me just finish this with a few very rash statements :)

Laura will go blind and make it to Earth as the dying leader.
Adama and Roslin are in love and we will see a little more of that.
Laura will be kidnapped, her kidnapping will partly involve Torys betrayal.
Caprica and Tigh will get it on.
Lee WILL become either the VP or the President after Laura is kidnapped/lost.
Adama will kill, possibly someone he knows. It might even be Tigh.
Adama will fight to get Laura back.
The hybrid will play a bigger part in the rest of the season.
Kara will redeem herself somehow.
The end will come, perhaps more than once.

Okay, that really is all for now.

Big love to everyone. Can't wait for next week.

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