I should be editing a manuscript right now, but it's godawful, and I'm taking a break. Sci-fi with allllll the cliches and tropes. Het-Love Triangle: check. Crewman going stir-crazy and sabotaging the mission: check. Martyr protagonist: check!
I have a week left, and then I'm done with my master's. I'm just about done now. Only have five pages to type up for my last class (as a student). Taught my last class yesterday, so it's just me hanging out with free time (what's that?) until next week, when the kiddos start submitting their final essays so I can grade 'em. Four of them are guaranteed F's at this point, sadly: just because they never showed up or turned anything in. (Mwahaha!) Ahem.
Gave my two weeks' notice at Target today, so that's almost done. Taking a month and a half off. Staying with my folks and visiting friends before I take off for the West Coast. My sis is apartment-hunting for us, so cross your fingers it's something doable. I'm tired of living in a shithole.
Thinking about fic and what I want to write. Really into Hannibal again, which comes and goes like the tide. I fucking miss that show. Time for a rewatch, and I'd love to write something in that fandom, but what? Still planning to go back and finish revising CFMWH, too. Do some more Game of Thrones fic, once season seven gets under way in July. I'm calling it now: Dany and Jon are totally gonna bone, uncomfortable/awkward Morgaine/Arthur-style. I still want at least one Jon-Theon showdown too. I feel we're owed that.
In other news, since starting graduate school roughly two years ago, I've lost 60 lbs. I call it the Grad School Diet or the Stress Diet. Cereal? Why, yes, I'll have that and coffee, please! Real food? What's that? It will be nice not to have to get up at four in the morning and go to sleep at eleven.
Mmm, Hannigram: