Jun 03, 2002 12:36
We got to atlanta saturday night the 25th and stayed until friday morning
the 31st. b's parent's house is really nice, his dad designed and built
the whole thing himself.
Georgia is really, really green. More than here, if that's possible. It's
also hotter there, and we felt a little too hot whenever we were outside too
long, even in late may. I can't imagine what it would be like in July.
Lots of mosquitoes too. While visiting, we jumped on the trampoline a lot,
and played frisbee with the other brothers a lot too. We invented this new
frisbee game where you have to throw it over the pool and the receiver has
to not move their feet. If the frisbee goes out of range, they get a point.
If it lands in the pool, they get 2 points. You have to have referrees, and
we made all these silly terms for the various events. It was fun.
All of b's brothers were home for the visit;
we all visited their grandparent's house.