three or four years ago, when i was at the lowest point in my life, i formulated two separate plans for committing suicide. both plans are pretty solid and very straightforward. in fact, they're practically foolproof. at the time, i started to accumulate the materials for plan number one. for a couple of reasons (heather and amanda...duh!) i didn't go through with it, and instead put my mind towards establishing a plan of wellness, which i try my best to maintain even in my darker periods. still, it's comforting to know that if i ever again get to the point where dying seems better than living and i decide to off myself, i have my practically-foolproof plans. they are like a safety net to me.
i'm writing about this not to alarm you, but because it seems like a reasonable way to introduce
this story about an australian man who built a "suicide robot" that, when activated, shot him several times in the head, killing him dead dead dead.
it's a sad story, but it fills me with the same kind of comfort that my own suicide plans do.
plus, the machine he built has a certain awesome-ness factor that my own plans lack.