i ordered three new (used) books today, recommended to me as books every massage therapist should have:
* Clinical Massage Therapy: Understanding, Assessing and Treating Over 70 Conditions, Fiona Rattray & Ludmilla Ludwig
* Travell & Simons' Myofascial Pain and Dysfunction: The Trigger Point Manual (2-Volume Set), David G. Simons, Janet G. Travell, Lois S. Simons, Barbara D. Cummings
* Massage Therapy and Medications, Randal S. Persad
watch out! i'm in danger of becoming a know-it-all!
raychoo was telling a few of us about
american aurora at
reveritas' birthday picnic the other day, and i was so intrigued that i bought a copy (the last one!) of that as well. only $6.40 (not including the shipping which was more than half the price of the book)! i'm looking forward to reading it, and then passing it along to my dad afterwards...maybe at christmas time. :)
between school/work books, friendly recommendations, and what i see my friends reading and recommending on goodreads, i'll never run out of book ideas. my only concern is that i'll die before i can read them all.
whee! new books