Updating the Livejournal hasn't been a priority lately because there hasn't been much interesting. I have been to an Anime USA and Otakon Staff meeting, but not much else has been going on that I can talk about. Since I may not get the chance to talk about the disaster until next week, I will talk now about it and the Japanese disaster.
My heart is with everybody in Japan right now with the disaster there. There have been earthquakes, volcanos and explosions. I am also stunned at the scope of the tragedy. It is going to be a year long tragedy. Anime USA and Katuscon is working on something related to the relief efforts. I can't say much about the efforts besides saying to donate to any of the reputable charities on the Anime USA site. If you are coming to Zenkaikon this weekend, please bring money with you for there efforts. Here are some links for information about the immediate need for help:
http://www.zenkaikon.com/blog/2011/03/zenkaikon-to-collect-donations-for-japan-earthquake-relief/ and www.animeusa.org.
I will put up a seperate post about Zenkaikon in a little bit.