We are starting Hugo Season with nominations being due in a couple of months. Since the next few weeks are going to be pretty busy for me at work, I thought this would probably be the best time to give some animation/comics related nominees for Hugos. Going to start with BDP: Long Form and Short Form, Graphic Novel and some of the others
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1. Pilot episode of AMC's "The Walking Dead"/"Days Gone Bye"...great presentation and somewhat a bit depressed the first season was only six episodes long and that the second (albeit longer) season doesn't come out until October...
2. Doctor Who: "The Pandorica Opens"/"The Big Bang" -- Gee, let's see how many episodes of Doctor Who make it as contenders in this category. Oh, I dunno, may be quite a few if the ones that nominate strong have their way...
3. Fringe: "Over There, Parts 1 & 2" -- Okay, I'm a bit biased towards Fringe somewhat. I think an episode of Fringe (or was it Lost?) made it as one of the main nominees last year, and as an action/adventure sci-fi show dealing with parallel universes this is pretty much right up the appropriate alley for the Hugos. Plus, it's got Leonard Nimoy in a guest-starring role, so there's some points in that favour. Probably not an outright contender to win the category...nomination, maybe, but winner...probably not...
BDP: Long Form
1. Kick-Ass - Same reasoning for the graphic novel, in a sense, so why not?
2. Scott Pilgrim vs. The World - Overlooked by the mainstream, but it's still got some legs within fandom. I liked it.
3. Tron: Legacy - Obvious nod for nominations and it will of course be out on DVD by the time balloting begins...
4. Toy Story 3 - Pixar movies have been nominated in the past, so I don't see why Toy Story 3 wouldn't make the cut either. Then again, this isn't the type of story that would make for Hugo contention...more or less...
5. Iron Man 2 - Oh, why not? At least it was better than the first...mostly....
6. Let Me In - Okay, so vampires have been done to death, but the Swedish-to-American tranfiguration actually did justice to the original, which was somewhat surprising. So, I'll give this a chance for a decent nod for it...
7. Robogeisha - Somewhat of a guilty pleasure for me, and a token nod for the Japanese B-movie industry. :-)
Graphic Novel
1. Scott Pilgrim, vol 6./Scott Pilgrim's Finest Hour - The culmination of a great series in illustrated format.
2. Superman: Earth One - J. Michael Straczynksi wrote it, so it's somewhat of an automatic nod for contention. As for the story, well, it's the mythos reimagined as if Superman/Clark Kent was a 20-something "hipster" living and growing up in the now of the 21st century. It's a bit Smallville-ish, but not quite. This self-contained hardcover is priced at $20, but I'm not certain how I feel about it. The art is somewhat Jim Lee-inspired, but dubiously so and I'm not sure about the villain as presented.
3. Moto Hagio's A Drunken Dream and Other Stories - If Moto Hagio is not quite familiar, then fans of old-school anime/manga might remember works such as "They Were Eleven" and "A, A' (A, A Prime)". I actually picked up this hardcover anthology at the local library and loved it to bits. Very well presented (and in the normal Japanese way to boot) and the main spotlight story is very good. I don't tend necessarily towards shoujo/girl's comics, but I was quite surprised with these...
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