Since the early part of the week past the Doctor's appointment will be busy, I am doing my post weekend post today. I had a very nice weekend with Ironbirds baseball with fireworks last night and some relaxing with some more later today. I also hope to get into about four or five episodes of FMA: Brotherhood today.
The Ironbirds didn't have much fire power during the game and lost to Lowell 3-1last night. The Fireworks were the best since 2002, but that led to a logistical mess afterward. It took 25 minutes for the parking lot to clear. Usually, we are able to get out of the parking lot within five minutes of getting to the car. I think I am going to have to put in a complaint to the Ironbirds at the next game because it was simple parking lot traffic fail. I am amazed that Mom and I didn't have an accident after the game.
I am starting to think ahead to Dragoncon because the convention is only two months from now. I am trying to make this a very relaxing and stress free con. My only commitment all weekend is a Go Nagai panel in the Anime/Manga track. It is a test run for a 2011 panel at Otakon or Zenkaikon (not sure which would have the audience to appreciate it).
There is another commitment thought that I am contemplating (especially if the Go Nagai panel isn't on Saturday). It is dressing up as a Superhero for the Guinness World record books. I know
ramothhe is considering this too. and are links with much more information about it.
I am starting to costume again (even if it is a Yukata) after so many years of not costuming due to weight. There is a part of me that says I should do this because why not try to be part of a fannish record. Your picture in the Guinesss book of World records. There is also the other side of me that says I would embarrass myself because I am not the superhero physique. I am leaning towards something like the Comedian or Owl Man from Watchmen to overcome that issue or doing a muscle Spiderman. I am going to decide and get soon, so I can try it on first and get money back if needed.