-I will be working a full day today and tomorrow and then I will be at Balticon. After I get home tonight, I will be making Peanut Butter Rice Crispy Treats for the APG 2011 bid party. For those who can make it (lots of People are going to be in Raleigh or Boston), the party will be on Saturday night between 9 PM and late (hopefully 2 AM, so I can get a couple of hours of sleep) at Balticon. Look for party signs sometime Friday evening promoting the party. I won't get there until then.
-I hope people have a blast at Anime Boston and Animazement this year. Animazement has had several Japanese Guests cancel on them. I hope this doesn't strike Otakon. They do have only one Japanese Guest Announced with more (hopefully) on the way. I just have this feeling that it is going to be a difficult year for Japanese Guests at Anime cons. I do wonder how it will impact Anime USA because we are a fall con (late enough to be close to Flu Season). It may impact Katsucon and other 2010 cons (especially if Swine Flu is the main flu for this upcoming winter). The Japanese are very germaphobic with how tightly packed the country is.
-Also, Voting for the Hugos have begun for this year. If you are a member of Anticiption, go to
http://vote.anticipationsf.ca by July 3rd to vote. If you haven't, you have a reason to vote because they are offering a Best Graphic Story Hugo for the first time. It costs $50 to become a supporting member to vote. You also get all publications including the Souvenir Guide for this year's con. You will also be able to vote Aberdeen Proving Ground 2011 in the 2011 Site Selection process. You can become a member at