Aug 31, 2005 10:49
i miss Nautica && dancing && all my friendships
my life has gone to hell. . .
haven't talked to jason in god knows how long =(. . .
me && jimmy are arguing out the ying-yang. . . =(
me && nick are arguing. . . UGH!
i have been home sick for the past 2 1/2 days. . .
school work is piling up, i know it. . .
friends are gone to sh*t. . . i think?!
we won the football game friday night. . .
guiseppes afterwards, fun to an extent. . .
work all weekend. . .
saturday off =). . .
football at pine ridge friday =). . . we`ll win.
JJ wants to meet my mom && me to meet his mom. . .
we are going to the FSU && UF game =). . .
Disney World w/ Chris next saturday. . . =)
my birthday is in one month && 1 1/2 weeks!!
hmm. . . i`m done.
♥ ♥ ♥