What I did Friday.

Oct 04, 2008 15:52

- woke up late
- rushed to a doctor's appointment
- got blood drawn FROM MY HAND (not recommended, it hurts pretty bad today)
- got the mail
- updated my Google Calendar with all the weddings I'm attending in the next 2 months
- called about an Amazon we might be adopting/fostering for a while
- browsed sofas online
- made some noodles with tofu and snap peas for lunch
- went to work, dealt with several "emergencies" that had been put off by everyone else in my department until I got there
- ate some Taco Bueno with Seamus and watched an episode of It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia
- returned to work, did all of someone else's work that they were nice enough to leave for me to get in trouble if I didn't complete
- worked an hour late
- came home, did the dishes
- took a sleeping pill
- finally went to sleep at 4 a.m.
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