October 6

Sep 30, 2008 01:04

Didn't close Monday. Still no roof inspection. Apparently there was a storm or something and all the insurance people are still assessing the damages?

OH WAIT. Remember Hurricane Ike? That was it.

The sellers are being assholes about it and were threatening not to give us a week extension to get the proof of insurability inspection that we need to show the FHA. (After wrangling most of the morning, they finally agreed to give us until October 6, but warned us NO MORE!)

The listing agent is saying, "oh, they're nervous that you're going to back out." Why would we back out? I mean, we came over and scraped and painted the stupid house. All day. On our only day off together. AND we bought the materials because the seller threw away his leftover paint. How more serious can we get about it?

Also, the house was on the market for over 50 days before we came along. What's 7 more days when you've already been waiting 3 months (50 on market + 30 since our offer)? It's not like he's waiting to sell it so he can move out of town. He's a skeezy real estate speculator who just moved into his own brand new McMansion or whatever (I know this because they threw away "our" paint during the move).

If they get assy with me again, I'm going to tell them to go fuck themselves and give me back my $500 earnest money deposit.

Then, in 30 days, when the house is still on the market? I'll go make them an even lower offer than what we already negotiated. I guess they haven't noticed that there's a little issue with liquidity in the credit markets right now, which might make it a teensy bit hard for unprepared buyers to get loans.
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