Hand me that eyeliner and GTFO.

Jan 11, 2007 17:35

I just threw up in my mouth a little. My mom's like "OMG Jamie. My Victoria's Secret teddy came in the mail today!" And I was like, "Uh. That's... nice." So she showed it to me. Don't worry, she wasn't wearing it. But it opens down the front... and it comes with a thong. =(

So, I out and out asked Dhan last night about the other night. He said it was 'neato burrito'. He's apparently really embarassed about some things that happened, but I assured him I'm kind of embarassed about some things too. Is it normal to be in your twenties and be this awkward? Is it? I used to think it was charming, and now I just think it's creepy. He also explained to me about his last girlfriend, and how he hopes I don't think he's a bad person. Aww. I told him I hope he doesn't think I'm a skanky hobag. He says he doesn't. Of course, there's twice lately guys have said to me, "I respect you, now take off your pants." Not quite like that, but close.

I'm going to have to try uber-hard to get a job now. I just read that my ex-douchebag Jonathan got a real job. He probably only works at McDonald's or some shit, but I guess it's still a job. Yeah, I make my decisions based on who I can spite and prove wrong about me. Jonathan's always been an even bigger ne'er-do-well than me. I mean, I'm kind of 'disabled' or whatever. That fucker is just lazy. I realize I'm lazy too. But you know, I'm fucking going blind. I think that's a great Goddamned excuse. (Granted, I probably won't be blind until I'm older, but hey.) A lot of people could ask why I hate him so much. The simple answer is that he fucked me over and I never confronted him about it. We were taking a 'break', and he was dating a lot of other girls. All I was doing was flirting with other guys on the Internet, and one night he called me up crying and talking about how I was cheating on him. I was like, 'Whoa whoa whoa. You said we're taking a break, and you're allowed to date other girls?' And he was like, 'But we're still sleeping together! We might as well be dating!' And then we broke up for good. Never spoken to the fuckface since.

Alright, sorry. I know I got way off base there. But yeah. I have an application for Gamestop sitting in my room right now. Let's make one thing clear. I apply for jobs. They don't hire me. Secondly, I probably shouldn't be allowed to count money. My eyes have crapped out on me so bad that I start adding extra numbers to things and such. Maybe I can get a job pretending to be retarded and selling magazine subscriptions door to door. "Muh name ees Jamie and if you buy a sus-crip-shion from me, I will get to go to Disneywurld!"

I got to watch Nightbreed last night for the first time in a really long time. There are only two men in the world I wish weren't gay; Clive Barker and Rufus Wainwright. Oh, Clive. Sigh. I would have his demonic children in a heartbeat.

mom, myspace, clive barker, dhan, parents, boys, douchebag

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