Name: Captain Marvelous (... no I am serious, this is his given name)
Age: ~23
Height: 177cm
Weight: ????
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Black, messy
Medical Info: SPACE ALIEN?! Space anatomy! I really do not know, he heals good when fed. 8|b
Physical traits: I don't even know man, PIRATE. There is a giant scar over his shoulders and back, it looks like someone tried to kill him with a sword blow. But it's all healed and scarred up!
What's Okay To Mention Around Him: Anything?? I can't think of anything that would really set him off ...?
Abilities: 8'D PIRATE. He has on his person at all times his Mobirates, GokaiRed Ranger Key, Gokai Gun, and Gokai Saber. The Gun is definitely a flintlock pistol, and the Saber is a cutlass no matter how you look at it. He is armed like a proper pirate should be and you better believe he shoots first and asks questions later. He can use the Mobirates and Key to transform into GokaiRed! HE IS A POWER RANGER! But! He is a super special one, because he can be every previous sentai member ever. Yes. Every one of them. All of them. He pirated their powers. 8U
Notes for the Psychics: Piiiiiiiiiiraaaaaaaaaaaaate. He doesn't really think ahead, but he likes to think with his stomach!
Can I shapeshift/bodyswap/spit at/step on/etc?: Yes.
Hugging/Kissing/Other non-violent physical contact: Uh yes, manwhore.
Maim/Murder/Death: I am going to say no to death, but bring on your maiming and your fighting and your PHYSICAL VIOLENCES.
Unlimited Cooking: That is Don's job. (DON MAKE ME A SANDWICH.)