Mar 07, 2005 22:57
I've been pretty busy the last few days. The weekend went by really fast. I didn't do much Friday because I didn't want to be tired for softball tryouts Saturday morning. All I really did was play Bridget in a game of virtual baseball. It was supposed to get me motivated for tryouts but she beat me 5-2 and she doesn't even play anymore and she's 13 so I didn't get much motivation from that. Tryouts have been going pretty well. I kind of know that I made the team so now I'm going to work on earning a starting position because I know that I am not a starter at the moment. I have been putting all my effort into tryouts and am beyond sore. I guess it's my own fault though. I've been so lazy since shotput ended. I was so tired that when I got home today I took a nap and didn't wake up till 10:45.
I "bonded" with Bridget Saturday afternoon because I'm her Confirmation sponsor and we're supposed to hang out 3 times. So I got her coffee from Starbucks. The poor kid is going to be addicted to coffee before she's in high school. I was tempted to put for the bonding experiences that we share a room, I drive her to violin and religion every week, and I watch movies with her too much. How much closer can you get?
Tom's party was a lot of fun. It was a good group of people and I got to talk to James. I never see him anymore.
I started to EM (Eucharistic Minister) at my parish-Our Lady of Lourdes-a few weeks ago. Yesterday was my second time. OLL drives me crazy. The way they do everything is so different and annoying and I was never actually given any instructions so I probably looked like a complete idiot. Part of the reason that I got ignored is that OLL is a big supporter of St. John's HS. If you go to St. Anthony's you pretty much get blacklisted. Sometimes I really wish we would just change parishes. There's so much I could say but I don't feel like getting into it at the moment. Maybe another time.
I got my first bad college news last week. I did not get the Villanova scholarship that I was being considered for. I know it was a longshot and all but I am known to get my hopes up. I'm sure I'll get money there but now I don't know if I want to go there anymore because I am also known to hold grudges. So what are my top schools now? Well, Holy Cross is still up there, I am waiting to hear from Lafayette, a lot of signs are pointing me towards Colgate but I still have to visit there. So I guess those are my top 3 and for now Villanova is fourth.