Dec 31, 2004 18:24
What a terrible day. I slept over Steph's-which was fun. However, she and Pam fell asleep around 2 and I had had so much caffeine that I didn't fall asleep till after 5. I got in a fight with Caeli a little while ago. Sometimes she makes me so mad. Right Now I am trying to write an essay for Villanova. I thought I was done with everything but I am being considered for a scholarship so they want a whole other essay. 3 pages about They pretty much want me to write about what makes me special. But the more I think about it, the less I can think of any reason why I deserve the scholarship more than anyone else. I wish it would all just end.
I went to Kristen's yesterday. I've got 2 words: Under Pressure! There's nothing more fun than singing karaoke for 3 hours straight. Sorry for everyone who had to listen.
Tomorrow marks the beginning of 2005. I am looking forward to a new year. I have a few goals I hope to reach. One of my goals is to hang out with friends more. I always find myself saying, "We should definitely hang out" but most of the time never actually make plans. This week, I hung out with a bunch of different friends and I had so much fun. I really have no excuse not to since I have my license and all. Maybe I'll even hang out with you ::points to person reading this entry:: haha. And in a few weeks, I will be 18! So I should have a little more freedom.
HAPPY NEW YEAR! See you in 2005.