Nov 12, 2004 22:04
The last few days have been pretty crazy. I went to see the Polar Express Wed. night with Pam and Niki. I didn't really like it. Then Pam slept over. We didn't go to bed till 1am which was a huge mistake because we had to get up at 5am to leave for Philly. My dad drove us to St. Joe's and Villanofun. Both of the schools are nice but they're not on the top of my list. We didn't get back until 7:30 and instead of doing my homework I took a nap. I started my Calc homework late and realized that I don't remember anything from last year's Calc class. I <3 Jen. She explained the first question to me and then it started to come back to me. Caeli came back last night too. It was nice to see her of course. But she's gone again:( Today was a nice school day. I got my three toughest classes over and done with and went on to enjoy a rare double free. We made turkeys in Catechetics for Consolation. I felt like I was back in Kindergarten. Straight from school I went to Starbucks and met an alumn of Colgate. He paid for my drink and we talked for 45 minutes. I found it very helpful and I can't wait to visit Colgate now. I just went to Starbucks again with Carolyn. So now I am on a caffeine high and will most likely be up all night.
Tomorrow is my last crosscountry meet ever. Kind of sad, but not really. I think I am going to freeze to death.
Here's the list of the colleges I'm applying to:
Dartmouth-big reach
Holy Cross
St. Joe's in Philly
(The first 4 are my top choices at the moment. But who knows...)