How can
TV Tropes make something so seriously funny that I keep laughing at it? No, seriously, this description of wank in Doctor Who fandom is so horrible that I can't help myself myself from laughing! It's hilarious!
No Spoilers, I Do Believe, Just Slightly Long )
Comments 20
How do you find so wonderfully, funny things I never know but thanks.
fandomsecrets is the worst and the best place in the world, depending upon your views on fandom and wank in general. Most of the time I try to ignore all of the entries that make me see read but, other times, I learn a lot of these little things. So is fanficrants. Once you toughen your skin a bit more, you can stand the horribleness of both sites and enjoy the crazies. :)
"Many fans ship Doctor/Companion no matter what, and god forbid anyone who dares to disrupt this. Mickey Smith, Joan Redfern (to a small degree), River Song, and Rory Williams are often victims of this, along with any companion who is not Rose."
This is stupid, though. Clearly the author has a problem with Rose. What a jerk.
Obvi! Everyone has a problem with Rose! ;)
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There are plenty of site like these that just suck up your time, even worse than Tumblr on occasion. Try (or not) Damn You Autocorrect for some really funny, but sometimes very inappropriate (ie sex jokes) texts people have made because of their autocorrects. Countless hours...lost...
Oh, haters will hate, that's for sure. I've got a few of my own very unpopular opinions I try to keep wrapped up. Even Classic Who has their haters. Just...honestly....
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