How can
TV Tropes make something so seriously funny that I keep laughing at it? No, seriously, this description of wank in Doctor Who fandom is so horrible that I can't help myself myself from laughing! It's hilarious!
Rose vs. Martha bitchfights in Doctor Who fandom get epic, complete with racism, classism, occasionally ageism and sometimes, hilariously, speciesism - some fans are actually capable of arguing that other than the Doctor's true love, all other companions are goldfish to him. Or hamsters. And then some fans follow up on this argument and elevate Doctor/Master to somewhat distressing levels. At large, whenever finding any post at all that discusses the Doctor's love life, the only right response is "in before Fandom Wank".
There are also Doctor/Donna, and Doctor/Jack fans who can get quite loud about things. Then, of course, there are all of the people who think that the Doctor is asexual, and generally think that all of the shippers are Completely Missing the Point. Never mind that there was an one shot Love Interest as early as in the episode "The Aztecs" in first season ever back in 1963. There have also been a few arguments between fans of Nine/Rose and Ten/Rose. Daleks? Aim for the eyestalk. Sontarans? Back of the neck. Shippers? Run. Just run.
It almost seemed like they were trying to encourage this in the new series with Amy being torn between the Doctor and Rory. Unfortunately, it hasn't gotten any better even now that Rory and Amy have gotten married. You'd think that would settle the debate, but no-some Doctor/Amy shippers are convinced she only married Rory out of pity or a sense of obligation and that she doesn't really love him, despite all canon evidence to the contrary. Fanfiction contains an almost disturbing amount of making Rory Die for Our Ship. If not that, then he's turned into a grossly-exaggerated bumbling idiot, despite the fact that he Took a Level in Badass canonically.
And then there's River Song, who is either a Relationship Sue of Steven Moffat's or Shmuck Bait for the shippers (or maybe a cunning decoy to united the warrning shippers in their hatred for). Because god forbid you actually like River Song and ship her with the Doctor...
The River thing has gotten better after her Crowning Moment of Awesome in the series 5 finale, tough. By now, you'll find nearly as much shipping videos with her as with any other companion.
Many fans ship Doctor/Companion no matter what, and god forbid anyone who dares to disrupt this. Mickey Smith, Joan Redfern (to a small degree), River Song, and Rory Williams are often victims of this, along with any companion who is not Rose.
I don't even know where to start with this because it is just that freakin' hilarious and such a testament to the wank we can get into with fandom, something we all love with our one heart, and yet still don't have the kindness in us to just say we can all agree to disagree and be all fine.
However, I do love this quote: "At large, whenever finding any post at all that discusses the Doctor's love life, the only right response is 'in before Fandom Wank'."
With them on this one. Get the hell out of those conversations if you ship him at all!
Oh, and this one: "Shippers? Run. Just run."
OMG, I need to run from myself! *flails about in different directions* How do I do that?!
There are also some other mentions to other fandoms I love, and had a slight squee moment over the LaO: SVU one, but I figure that's just me on my flist.
Seriously this site is dangerous! Stay away! *goes back for more*
Reference - Under Live Action TV.