I suppose you'd call this a "get to know your flist" meme but I'd rather call this a "ask me ridiculous questions and all have a laugh!" meme.
Here's how my meme goes:
- Ask me any question you'd like, either absolutely ridiculous or terribly serious, and I'll answer. You can even ask me up to five (let's make it reasonable now) questions and, if I answer all five, you can ask another five.
- As for ridiculous, I mean ridiculous. Sample questions I've thought of in the past few minutes include:
- Are you blue?
- Do you have green hair?
- Do you love or hate chocolate?
- Are you bald? Would you like to be?
- Do you laugh?
- LOL, ikr?
Basically anything that will make us both laugh, including those watching the comments (who can also participate even if I have no clue who you are!). My suggestions are horrible but it'll give you an idea. I WANT CRAZY! I'm hoping what I gave you will give you a clue as to just how crazy I want (so multiply those ridiculous questions by ten). :D - If you want serious, you can ask serious. I don't mind although, if really, truly, serious in nature, I may just PM you my answer. I'm sure you can think of plenty of serious examples without me.
- ETA: Ok, I get to ask five in return. 'Tis only fair. ;)
So, there you have it. All I really want is to have some fun with you guys, something I feel like has been missing as of late, and now that for those who were in school are done for a few weeks/months, you can have some fun with me too. Now let's get a little tipsy and crazy, eh?
Now, margaritas anyone? ;)