This Week

May 23, 2011 10:24

Goals for the week, to keep myself on track:

  1. Survive the week: last week was one of marginal success but I'd rather have a better week this time around than last week. If I can have more decent than non-decent days this week I'll be happy. I have a few things going in my favor in that department: I'm letting my mother deal with her own issues, I'm letting my sister deal with her own problems too, and I'm just focusing on moving into my new apartment in a week and a half/two weeks. That's all I'm focused on right now. That and keeping myself as steady as possible.
  2. I also need to keep reminding myself not to take my boss's words too much to heart. Just because she may know the software we're using better than on a theoretical point of view, I still know more about software and networks in general. And, as a heads-up, just because a few people out of hundreds have a problem with something (ie a bug) it doesn't mean we'll have the same problem. In science, we call them variables. In geek talk, we call them bugs. They happen. *shakes head* Bosses, eh?
  3. The AC/Central Air will be down for the week which means very little airflow in the library and general stuffiness and hotness will ensue. Last year it got so bad everyone was falling asleep in their chairs by the end of the week. Here's to hoping it won't get that bad this year.
  4. I've got a bit of a writing day on my hands today. Two challenges, a drabble, and perhaps something else because, as we all know, Tuesday and Wednesdays never lend themselves to writing very well. I'm not too satisfied with how my prompt for redcirce came out but it's hard to expect a grand masterpiece from 100 words, or even something that's even slightly comprehensible. I'm also frustrated with this Five fic I desperately want to write except I find myself too worried about getting him, and his companions, right. Nyssa is relatively easy, Tegan is, well, Tegan, but Adric is the character I can't seem to fit easily, along with the Doctor. Adric was written well with Four but at the beginning of his tenure with Five he seems to be a completely different person, which I blame on the writers. Which then begs the question of what do you do with a character that has multiple personalities? Also, I don't think he cried. He wouldn't know how to/what it was. As for Five...where I'm writing him he's still so innocent I'm not quite sure I could capture him correctly. I don't know. *is having insecure moment*
  5. Speaking of Five, I should really get back on track with his episodes. I want to rewatch "Kinda" and "Earthshock" again (the other because I seem to hate myself) before continuing on with "Timeflight." I also have that new Doctor Who episode to watch as well and a post on it too.
  6. I want to do a really silly, stupid post that's half meme/half let's all discuss stupid things! Not sure if it'll work but I feel like I need to add some light-hearted fun into my journal/life. So, what say thee?

Gods, I hate work. I can't wait to be out. I just want to be home. At least there's a three-day weekend coming up for me with the house to myself. Expect a nostalgia/six-month review post around that time. I get like that when big life changes occur.

Oh, and supposedly, according to the all-knowing develish1, I'm back to my manic, rambly self again. Hope you enjoy. :P

fandom, writing, everyday life, sigh, fandom:doctor who, classic who, work, ramblings

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