Feb 16, 2010 00:08
If i were to season my food with arsenic, people would call me insane. I like the taste, or the way it makes me feel, I would protest, and the amount i use isn't enough to KILL me. Well, not for about another forty years, anyway. Still insane, no? Yes. So what is the difference between this and smoking? I mean, the success of cigarette companies would make Darwin positively turn in his grave. We are certainly not interested in our species surviving, when we voluntarily, nay, PAY to put tar in our lungs and defend it as some sort of right. The only real difference between smoking and the arsenic metaphor is that with arsenic my actions don't effect the people around me. With smokers, if I need to go in a door and you're smoking outside, I have no choice but to inhale your "pre-loved" nicotine fumes, as well as the smoke trailing off the end off the cigarette between your yellowing fingers. And seriously, as if the internal medical consequences weren't bad enough, it yellows your teeth, your fingers, ruins your skin and your hair and makes you smell like you're rotting. What gets me the most is the RIGHT that smokers think they have to smoke where ever and whenever they want, as long as they are outside, as if they are doing everyone a favour. What about my right NOT to smoke? If I'm walking along and you and your survival-instinct-lacking compadres are puffing away like a locomotive, I don't really have a choice, do I? I'm not even talking about general air pollution, for those of you about to bring up car exhausts and industry waste, I'm just talking about the clouds that smart people who don't smoke, some of whom are pregnant/asthmatic/nice smelling have to walk through on a regular basis because YOU have the RIGHT to smoke, and God forbid anyone infringe on that. Please, conveniently forget that I have the right not to smoke, a right that you have infringed upon. By the way, yes, I did call all the smokers of the world stupid. And you're even stupider if you're angry about it. Smoking is stupid, and even smokers know that. Seriously, pick up a newspaper. From the 60's.
And this is what goes through my head every morning in the eight minutes it takes me to walk from Dupont Station to George Brown College.
Btw, LJ nice to see you too.