How odd...

Nov 23, 2009 00:19

I'm becoming more organized. Part of that is because I've got more time on my hands. I've only got my job and one class that meets 3 times a week to deal with right now. The class doesn't actually have much homework right now, which means I can spend more time getting other things accomplished. And you have no idea how much that makes me happy. I've had time to stay on top of my dishes and my garbage. I'm working on my laundry, but hopefully I'll be caught up with that, as well. The house is cleaner and there's less stuff just sitting around. That makes me feel pretty good. The house isn't perfect yet, but it's getting there.

Another reason for the organization is I've slowly discovered that I love making lists. To-do lists, inventories, even an extensive budget. Seriously, my budget is written out all the way through until October of next year (when I hope to be married). And that's with a few assumptions sort of built into the budget, such as same rate of pay. I may actually get my bills paid off sooner if I get a pay raise or if I get a job that pays significantly higher. The latter may be a distinct possibility since I'll be graduating soon and moving (hopefully!) next year. We'll see what happens! As it stands, I'm set to pay off 3 credit cards next year, and that's all before July! After that, I'll just have my last credit card, the loan to my mom, my car payment, and my student loans. And according to my current budget projections, most of those will be paid off in just over 3 years. The student loans will last a while, but that's okay. I'm prepared to continue to chip away at them for however long it takes.

Organization is awesome! I like being able to have a good idea of my progress, be able to keep track of stuff, and find things and not have to tear through the house, looking for whatever it was I sat down momentarily and then lost a few moments later.

When I graduate this December, the first thing I'm going to do is go through my house and dump everything that had to do with undergrad. If I can't give it to a friend of mine or use it for grad school, it's going in the garbage. I'll have more room on my bookshelf! And I'll finally be able to clean it thoroughly and reorganize it! Yay!

For the next few months after I graduate (and before I get married), these are the things I hope to accomplish:

  • reorganize pantry
  • reorganize bookshelves
  • reorganize extra storage
  • clean the house
  • have a garage sale
  • get in better shape/lose 10 sizes
  • spend more time with loved ones
  • clean my car
  • have time to do creative projects

Things I've already accomplished:

  • writing a budget for the next year
  • reorganizing all closets
  • reorganizing dresser
  • reorganizing kitchen storage
  • making lists for books/movies

It's all little stuff, but it makes me feel more accomplished and much happier that things are organized. One step at a time! And when my future husband and I move in together, I'll be able to keep the house clean and accessible! The thought of it brings me a sense of satisfaction that 5 years ago would have been completely foreign to me. This is what maturing and settling into life feels like, and I love it. :)
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