Dear Brain--
Are you registering how I'm feeling today? Can you feel those aching muscles from every part of me? Biceps, abdominals, back, thighs, etc.? You know why they ache? Because you haven't been motivated enough to exercise, fool! Now I want you to REMEMBER how it feels the day after you begin exercising again and NEVER QUIT AGAIN. Seriously, we'll feel fabulous in about a week or so, but today? Ouch.
Take 2 Advil and spend 15 minutes in the hot tub,
Your body
So, yeah, I did that 10-minute total body routine, and then I went to Curves after work for the first time in probably a month. Lisa told me that she had me on her "naughty girl" list and was planning to call me in about 1/2 hour. Dodged a bullet on that one -- I HATE being confronted with my failures! I didn't try to go all out on the workout, but I am one aching mass 'o' muscles today anyway. At least I know they're still there! :)
I decided not to be a ninny and push it this morning, even though I had planned the 10-minute workout/Curves combo for every day for the rest of the week. But Rick is out of town tonight and tomorrow, so I can keep my options open. I may at least try to get to Curves again today, just to get momentum going. I know from experience that aching muscles don't mean you have to quit until they don't ache anymore. It might be a good night to preview some other routines on Exercise TV -- they've had the stupid Tae Bo routines on for some time now -- HATE. And I can't dance. I just need a 30 or 40 minute cardio or cardio/strength routine. They took Turbo Sculpt off, too -- I may have to hunt down the DVD version and buy it. It's a REALLY good routine.
I did well with eating, too. I ate reasonable carb/protein snacks and didn't binge on anything. After dinner, I cleaned the kitchen and then LEFT it for the night. I think sometimes it's just that I'm IN the kitchen, so it must be time to shove something in my mouth, right? No. I ended up talking to my folks while sorting out my recipes (a good project to complete) and then chilling out in my room reading. Rick had an industry dinner to go to (I declined and I am SO GLAD I did -- he said it was terrible), so Monica and I had strawberry pancakes (w/sugar-free syrup) and milk for dinner. Tonight I'll probably just have a dinner salad or wrap. I've got a few pouches of crab, shrimp, and tuna and all of them have recipes on the back. White chili for dinner tomorrow night when I have Monica. She's having her braces adjusted tomorrow, so she won't want to eat anything too challenging anyway.
I'm looking forward, as always, to my time alone in the next couple of days, but I know I will miss Lola. I know I'm talking about this a lot, but I'm still in sort of a state of disbelief. I look at the pics I have of her in my office, and I can't quite believe that she's not home napping right this minute. Until I go home for lunch and she doesn't come out to greet me. Funny thing, that. Rick usually made it home for lunch before me, and she wouldn't come out until I got home. Rick was talking on the phone to Amelia last night and telling her a little about what happened with Lola, and I started crying again. It's horrible to miss someone so much.
Anyway, time alone. I want to try to get a few things done. I've got a computer tray thing being delivered tomorrow, so I think I'll save the computer tasks for then. Other than that, and in no particular order:
- Clean out litter boxes and scrub
- Clean basement
- Inventory paint supplies, make list for weekend project (Kitchen/dining room)
- Clean all baseboards, doors, and doorjambs
- Wash windows
- Organize under-the-sink areas (3)
- Hang pictures (at least take everything down and make a plan for hanging stuff)
- Freecycle
- Super glue hole in sprayer (an attempted fix to a leak)
- Do SOMETHING about the loose pics upstairs, if only just roughly organizing them
- Organize and upload Tom & Susan's wedding pics, notify family
- Tag LJ entries
- Order tape measure wheel
Think that should be enough to last me a couple of evenings, eh? :)