and if their wings burn..

May 17, 2006 18:29

well, here i go again. let me introduce you to my friend taylor. we met at the beginning of the year at tom's b day party. we danced a bit, but then me and sanam left. i didn't get his number. then i randomly met him one day and we spent 4 hours together wandering henry street and raiding the one euro stores. i got his number but my family came over for xmas and i was distracted. i thought he was a really cool dude. i thought i sensed a vibe between us. but. then victoria told me she had a thing for him. crap. so what do i do? i root her on. put a littl distance between us. anywhoo. but then came trinity ball. allow me to rephrase that: THE BIGGEST PRIVATE PARTY IN EUROPE PUT UPON THE STONES OF TRINITY UNIVERSITY. oscar wilde, bram stoker, and edmund burke have all went and at least ozzie must have puked on the aged cobbles. kat moss did on the carpet of the rehearsal room last year. so. im drunk and having the time of my fuckin life. when taylor pulls me outside. i follow. he kisses me. i. kiss. him. back. i then stop and say,"victria iz gonna bay maaaaad. icannna dooo thiz. she my friend..." where upon taylor said,"kay, im pretty drunk, but that was kind of in coherent. but i think i got it. but im gonna go with..ignoring it. you down?" yeeeeeah i was. then sanam came out and said that if we didnt come back in the burlesque tent right now then sh would let victoria rain vengeance on our heads. we went back in. by the by we were in the burlesque tent. for the next 2 hours i witnessed not only the rendings of notes that can only be described as the screaming of the damned, tits that should be called ubangi and on the cover of national geographic were set aflame and all in the name of seeing a friend dance at the end of the set. so. that nite kevin went nuts and after a shoe throwing tantrum passed out on our couch. the following morning i awake to a txt that reads as follows "i know this may not be the best time. but im crazy about you. always have been. but whatever you wanna do, im okay with." fuck me like a rolling donut off a short peir. so i told victoria. and she was way cool. thank god. and her we go again.
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