It sucks to be a chinchilla.

May 06, 2005 09:57

Or, at least, to have the immune system of one. Although I would imagine that it sucks all-aorund to be a chinchilla, because people are probably always trying to make coats out of you.

Anyway, I'm feeling better, yes, thank you for asking. I slept almost constantly and drank enough water to float a battleship, but the fever finally broke and the congestion is down to a manageable level.

I returned to work to find a shiny new (recycled from another campus) computer waiting for me! Yay! I've been desperately needing a speedier one for some time now, so this is great! Just have to finish tweaking it to make it look the way I like, but all in all, it's a great surprise. One thing that annoys me is that music is playing in triple time, no matter what music player I use, and I have to figure out what's up with that. I find it difficult to concentrate without music, so I am especially edgy.

I found myself watching Las Vegas the other night, and was pleasantly surprised to find Bailey Chase, who was Graham on BtVS, playing a slimy defense lawyer.

How cute. He's still getting work.

Over the weekend, I watched a really dumb horror movie that costarred Riley. Yeah, yeah, Marc Blucas. Whatever. He's still playing Riley. I want him to come and rescue me from the monsters now, please.

Oh, great. I just got off the phone with the appliance-repair people . . . I have to be home in an hour for them to fix my washer/dryer.


health, tv, work, life

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