I am a Goddess! Hear me ROAR!!!!

Apr 25, 2005 11:05

Gakked from kyanoswolf.

Indeed, you are 66% erudite, 54% sensual, 87% martial, and 54% saturnine. Sekhmet, whose name literally translated means “The Mighty One” or “The Powerful One”, was the Goddess of divine retribution, justice, vengeance, and war. She was also called such impressive titles as “Powerful of Heart”, “The Scarlet Lady”, “Avenger of Wrongs”, “Lady of Flame”, “The One Before Whom Evil Trembles”, “Eye of Ra”, and “Lady of Slaughter”.

Sekhmet was believed to protect the pharaoh in battle and destroy his enemies with arrows of fire. Hot desert winds were believed to be this Goddess’ breath, and her body was said to take on the bright glare of the midday sun.

The priests of Sekhmet were specialists in the field of medicine, arts linked to ritual and magic. They were also trained surgeons of remarkable calibre. Tame lions were kept in temples dedicated to Sekhmet. An ancient Greek historian called Aelian said: “In Egypt, they worship lions, and there is a city called after them. The lions have temples and numerous spaces in which to roam, and they eat to the accompaniment of song.”

Sekhmet was also the sister of Bast. Together the twin sisters formed the "Yin Yang" of Egyptian religion, Sekhmet, depicted as a young woman with the head of a lioness, being the destructive force, and Bast, shown with the head of domestic cat, being the positive force. For those of you who love wine; the blood-red wine of Upper Egypt was called the Wine of Sekhmet, while the white wine of Lower Egypt was the Wine of Bast.

My test tracked 4 variables How you compared to other people your age and gender:

You scored higher than 50% on erudite

You scored higher than 0% on sensual

You scored higher than 99% on martial

You scored higher than 50% on saturnine
Link: The Mythological Goddess Test written by Nitsuki on Ok Cupid

It's been a pretty good day so far. I am pleased.

Perhaps there will be no need to slaughter anyone today. ;)


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