apocalyptic AU from hell fic tidbit

Apr 07, 2005 18:31

Sigh. I have all these ideas prancing in my head for my giant apocalyptic fic-from-hell . . . however, they refuse to obediently hop onto the page.


I'm envisioning, at the moment, several sections, each from the POV of one of the characters of one of the fandoms. Not sure how that's gonna work out.

Anybody got ideas? Suggestions? Crazy things they'd love to see? I'm curious to see what y'all might come up with.


When Riley Finn had thought about the end of the world, he'd never imagined that it might be like this.

He'd really thought that he'd be one of the many consumed in the battle against the apocalypse, not one of its survivors.

Make of it what you will.

rabid plotsquirrels, apocalypse au, fic, riley/graham

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