(no subject)

Aug 20, 2004 14:25

So there was woman on the train this morning, sitting across the aisle from me, and her purse was staring at me.

No, really.

She had one of those alligator bags made out of the whole alligator . . . its head had been fitted with beady glass eyes and its chin snapped the bag shut.

It stared at me the entire way into Philly, and gave me a serious wiggins.

Maybe I wouldn't have been so creeped out if its preserved little paws, complete with tiny claws, weren't clutching the front of the bag so tightly. I swear, the fucker looked like it was alive and about to jump off this woman's lap and chew on my face.


In other news, I was supposed to go down the shore with Amanda this weekend, but now it looks like I have way too much homework. Damn.

Class blows. I skipped last night because I was just too fucking stressed out after the last two days at work to manage sitting there for three hours, being bored senseless.

Hmm. I just found out that next week is the last class.

It is entirely possible that I just did something quite stupid.

Work has been funky lately. The crazy Russian lady who works here, who has driven everyone nuts for years, has really managed to push everyone over the edge.

On the plus side, now that she's effectively alienated *everyone*, the boss has to admit that it's not just that department, and the wheels of justice seem to be turning, albeit slowly.

I will admit, I can be lazy too . . . but I like to think that when I put off my work, it doesn't affect anyone else but me. I could be wrong, though.

Anyway, this woman spends so much time running back and forth, fussing about how much she has to do, that OF COURSE she doesn't have time to do any of it! She's spending seven of her eight work hours complaining.

Um . . . I *am* aware that this may seem like a certain amount of pot-and-kettle-ishness, but really! There are just limits!

There was more to say, but I suppose I'll just spam my friendslist later instead of trying to remember it now. *grin*

work, life

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