Dream meme.

Mar 31, 2003 16:19

Does enjoying memes mean that I really am a lemming at heart?

Gee . . . and I always thought that I was a *penguin*.

1. Do you have commonly recurring types of dreams? If you do, what are they?

I frequently dream that I am Someone Important -- either in the sense that I am to be protected and/or rescued from some bad thing or person . . . or that I am The Only One Who Can ( save the world, solve the problem, etc. ). Hot guys from any fandom make regular appearances. It is also not uncommon for me to dream that I am male.

2. Are you, or have you ever been, a lucid dreamer? (when you're aware in the dream that you're dreaming and are able to exert a measure of control)

I am often aware that I am dreaming, but I seldom have the desire to control the dream. I'd rather see where it takes me.

3. What's your favorite kind of dream?

The ones that explain something to me. Or if I come.

4. Do you have any recurring locales in your dreams? What are they like?

Ummm . . . a dream that takes place at "home" is always at my parents' house, even if I know in the dream that I am actually in my own house. It's like a play where the program says "Setting: The White House" and the picture that unfolds is actually of Yankee Stadium.

5. Have you ever had a 'breakthrough' dream -- one in which you deal with some issue you've been working on for awhile and wake up feeling like you've really made some significant progress?

Ohhhhhhhhhhh yeah. ( Cue snickers now. ) The one where I had to make a choice between Johnny Rzenik of the Goo-Goo Dolls and Gary who I work with. It wasn't actually about the men . . . it was about the choice, and the choice between what the two guys each represented.

6. Have you ever based a creative work on a dream?

Once or twice.

7. Have you ever had a prophetic dream?

Frighteningly, yes. It came true, too. ::: shudder :::


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