Sigh. Bored now.

Mar 25, 2003 15:18

Seriously bored. Like, organize-your-paper-clips bored.

Yeah, I know . . . I have *plenty* of actual work to do. But who wants to do real work when they're at work? And, you know . . . boss out of the office all day. Yay.

I just spent 45 minutes waiting in line to get a new ID, cunningly nicknamed "DragonCard".


Everything about Drexel University is dragon-this or dragon-that. Don't you think they're taking the mascot theme a little *too* far?

My officemate bitched that I'd been gone so long when she needed a cigarette. Like I care. I needed my fucking *lunch*, you cunt.

Wow, I just used the c-word. And I really, really meant it, too.

Anyway, Friday is her last day here, so I guess she can just stuff a sock in it.

Woo-hoo! Bitchy officemate's last day!

There's a big luncheon for her tomorrow. People in other departments are arguing over who *has* to represent. Tee-hee. I'm going -- I consider it a "celebration that your ass is fuckin' OUT OF HERE" rather than a "farewell and good luck, we're all going to miss you".

Snicker. I feel vaguely evil with glee.

Still bored, though.

I think I'll go write.


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