(no subject)

Jun 17, 2015 14:17

Yay, almost two years since last post. Jeez, it's not like I'm doing anything useful with my life.

Sometimes, I think that in a former incarnation, I was a magpie: easily distracted by all things bright and shiny. Or maybe I just don't want to grow up.

Monday was my birthday, and I am now officially middle-aged at 46, I am told. Who decides these things? Other than various health problems, I still feel like I'm twenty-one. SO THERE. Not much celebrating going on, unfortunately, and I'm a wee bit disappointed that I did not get to enjoy a cake THE SIZE OF A VOLKSWAGEN at work, but I'm trying the gluten-free thing anyway. I should probably stay away from cake, heh. So I guess it's just as well that nobody brought anything, even if it made me pout at the time. I did get a celebratory cheeseburger and cherry pie a la mode at the local diner with Mom, so that was mightily awesome. My friend Amanda flew out from Wisconsin this week and we're getting together tonight, wheeeee! I'm leaving work shortly so that I can catch an early bus.

Tomorrow, Stoli goes to the groomers' to get all gussied up in preparation for Take Your Dog To Work Day, which I JUST NOW discovered is actually on June 26, not June 19. MOTHERFUCKER. I've been functioning under this misapprehension for MONTHS. Well, it's probably better for Stoli to have the extra time to calm down; she's so high-strung. Anyway, since Amanda and I are going out tonight and will probably stay out late, it will be nice to have an extra hour or two to sleep in the morning. It will be even nicer to work from home until it's time to pick up the furball, and then I only have to go in for the staff summer picnic. Woot!

Fannishly, I'm voraciously reading Teen Wolf fanfic, Sterek pairing. Don't ask me why... I haven't watched the show since Season One. I'm not sure if I'll ever get my writing mojo back... it's depressing to think that the well has run utterly dry, but it's been so long since I felt that spark of creativity, I've just about given up hope. I'm reading more and watching less, weirdly.

Hopefully, in my next posting, I will remember to talk about how our entire department was packed up and shipped off to the wilds of East Falls, inside of two weeks. Bit of shock, that.

Hope everyone's having a decent time of it. Cheers!

friends, birthday, life, teen wolf, dog, fandom, work, writing

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