Sep 19, 2013 16:23

Lots of stuff going on in my life this year . . . work life and personal life and health life. Rather than attempt any sort of organized discussion, I shall do what I do best and ramble endlessly instead about whatever comes into my head.

I finally gave in and bought a new car. It's the Kia Soul, and it's the CUTEST THING EVER! The color is Molten, which is bright red, and his name is Marshall. I was sad to say goodbye to Sherman, who has served me well and faithfully these many long years, but I got a good trade-in price for him and I'm sure he's going to enjoy a graceful retirement. It took me months of research to settle on the Soul, and for a while there it was looking like a tossup between it and the Scion xD, but the Soul has twice as much cargo space for the money and that's really what I was interested in. On my first tank of gas, I got thirty miles to the gallon, which is already better than the EPA estimate for that trim ( I went with the bigger engine ), and the way I drive, I expect even better mileage now that the breaking-in period is mostly over. And I just love driving it!

The whole car-shopping experience was immensely stressful, though. And when it finally came down to the purchase? Ugh, I got so sick of getting yanked around by weaselly salesmen! Even sitting there ready to sign paperwork, they were STILL playing games with dollars and cents. I'd finally had it and just snapped, "That's it-- I'm walking, watch me walk!" Happily, that ended the nonsense over sales figures, but I still had to sit there for FOUR FUCKING HOURS for the goddamn paperwork. JFC.

Still. For the price I made them swallow, I guess the hassle was ultimately worth it.

The weekend before buying the new car, Stoli got really sick suddenly and spent four days in the ICU with IVs in both front legs. Three thousand dollars later, and the working diagnosis ended up being "a perfect storm" of infections: anaplasmosis, Lyme disease, and pylonephritis. Her immune system probably could've fought off any one of those infections alone, but not all three at once . . . and then the ER vet that I took her to compounded the issue by feeding her chicken, despite the fact that I clearly marked her allergies on her intake sheet. Assholes. I'm never taking a dog to that ER again, I don't care how close to home it is. She almost died! Fortunately, she's back to her normal, lovably crazy self now, though she's still on antibiotics and has to undergo some more blood tests in a month. I knew she was feeling better when she clawed the upholstery on the new car and got into the garbage in the kitchen.

Disappointed in my TV tennis boyfriend, Novak Djokovic, this year. His performance has not been up to the level I've come to expect from him, and the US Open in particular was a terrible letdown. There was some great stuff, and a lot of potential, but man . . . that fourth set? Seriously, dude, if you were just gonna phone it in like that, you should've retired from the match so I could watch something else. Oh, well, I suppose there's always next year. My boy is sleeping on the couch 'til he pulls it together, though . . . I'm just sayin'.

Went to see a double feature of Insidious & Insidious: Chapter 2 with lucifrix last week. Lots of fun jump-scares, and I liked the way the sequel tied in to certain plot points in the original movie. There wasn't too much "huh?" going on for me, which was a refreshing change. Not impressed with Rose Byrne's acting, though admittedly she didn't have much to work with.

Hopefully, this weekend we're off to the drive-in to catch some cool stuff.

Well, that looks like enough for now, especially since the work day is wrapping up. Sigh. At least it's finally Thursday, which means tomorrow is-- sing with with me-- FINALLY FRIDAY!!!!!

sherman the car, hamstermobile rocks, marshall the car, i probably need a tennis tag, life, dog

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