Jun 25, 2012 10:30

Friday afternoon was the annual Staff Summer Party, which is usually an exercise in both futility and boredom, but this year was actually really fun! Someone came up with the idea to hold it at Dave & Buster's, and it turned out to be the the BEST THING EVER.

I hadn't been to Dave & Buster's since they first opened in Philadelphia, more than fifteen years ago, and the group of us who went were so confused and overwhelmed just by walking in the door that we ended up fleeing without even doing anything. It was a lot more fun to be there on a weekday afternoon, when it was less crowded and much less crazy. I'm actually looking forward to a return trip!

The weekend was mostly laundry, cleaning, and napping. And marathoning American Ninja Warrior, which is a total guilty-pleasure show . . . and yet, I still watch it.

No, I still haven't caught up on my other shows. Enough with the judging, already.

Sunday evening, my dad took me out for my belated birthday dinner. It was nice to get all gussied up for a change-- I wore my bridesmaid's dress from Kristin's wedding, and it looked perfectly nice, which was awesome, and had been one of the selling points of buying it in the first place. The food was fabulous, and I have leftovers for lunch, which will be excellent. I got to bed at, for me, a decent hour, and although I didn't sleep well because I totally need a new mattress, I was counting it a good weekend.

Then the alarm went off at five this morning, and when I stretched out, my right foot hit a cold, wet spot in the bedding.

I shot upright and shrieked, "STOLI!!!! What did you DO?!?!?!?!"

Ah, yes, the joys of a dog sleeping in your bed with you . . . a dog on steroid medication. Side effect: incontinence.

Son of a bitch.

I was thisclose to making a rug out of her.

So I had just enough time to strip the bed and stuff all the bedding into the washer before I left; Dad will get it dried for me, which is definitely one of the good things about having him there.

At least it didn't soak through to the electric heating pad or to the mattress itself . . . seems like the blankets and sheets soaked up everything. Small favors, I guess.

And, since I got to work, I have been able to happily watch Novak Djokovic wallop Juan Carlos Ferrero in the first round of Wimbledon. So the day is looking up, I suppose.

birthday, tv, guilty pleasures, i probably need a tennis tag, dog, weekend, family, work

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